RAKEFETONLINE (Our database and payment platform)

To access your individual member account in our database, RakefetOnline, click here.

If you don’t have an account yet, please email Treasurer A John Rose for an invitation.

For step-by-step instructions to access your information in your individual account click here. If you need assistance, please contact Sarah in the office.

With RakefetOnline, you will be able to check your profile including viewing your family details: names, address, emails and Yahrzeits we have on file. Please notify Sarah of any changes that need to be made.

You will be able to manage your dues account directly by making payments through the database. If you have questions, please contact Heather, our finance manager.

Please note that there are some areas on the RakefetOnline site that we are not currently using.

To make a payment or donation without logging in, click here for our quick payment form.